Two-hour free laser consultation: what does it involve?

Here at the Sydney Laser and Vision Centre we want to make sure our patients know exactly what their options are when it comes to eye health care and treatment.  Our initial consultation for laser eye surgery is completely free of charge and usually takes approximately two hours.

When you arrive for your consultation, you’ll be asked to complete a form detailing your medical history, including any eye problems you have currently or have had in the past.

You’ll then see one of our friendly orthoptists, who will perform several scans and tests on your eyes to make sure you’re suitable for laser surgery.

The eye tests include:

·       keratometry: measuring the corneal curvature

·       Pentacam: mapping the corneal shape and thickness

·       orthoptic assessment: checking there’s no muscle imbalance between the eyes

·       visual acuity: measuring your vision with and without your glasses

·       refraction: checking the type and amount of refractive error you have (short-sightedness, long-sightedness, astigmatism) and assessing whether this refractive error is stable or still changing

·       pupil measurements: checking the size and reactivity of your pupils

·       intraocular pressure: measuring your eye pressure

Our orthoptist will then discuss the types of laser surgeries available to you and explain how they can correct your eyes. The orthoptist can also answer any initial questions you might have.

The orthoptist will then instill eyedrops to dilate your eyes so the “back” of your eye can be seen.

Next, you’ll see our ophthalmologist, Dr David Robinson. Dr Robinson will do the following:

·       assess the scans, measurements and tests performed by the orthoptist

·       perform a thorough slit-lamp examination to assess the front and back of your eyes

·       recommend the type of laser surgery such as LASIK or PRK that may be most suitable for you

·       discuss the procedure in detail, including any risks and complications involved

·       answer any questions or concerns you may have

·       ask you to read through the consent forms

·       explain these forms to you to make sure you understand them. 

By the end of the consultation, you will be told whether you will be suitable for Laser Vision correction and which type whether LASIK or PRK. You will be able to schedule the procedure usually within one week of your free initial consultation.

It’s important to remember not to drive to the consultation, as your eyes will be dilated and your vision will be blurry when you leave for half a day. It is best to take a taxi or Uber home.  

To book your consultation, visit

Or see a video example here



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